Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Courage to Be Aware

How do we grow in our awareness of the 'others' in our lives? By growing in our awareness of ourselves, so that we may bring more of ourselves to relationship with others. This simple principle is not so simple, as we are discovering day by day, as we hear and learn of the lives of our sisters and brothers whose lives are often hidden and whose voices are often silenced.

Today, Erin Reed Cooper led us to understand the profound way in which our Asian-American sisters and brothers experience scripture. By listening for the 'silent voices' in scripture and in our culture, we grow in our awareness of the ways in which we silence others, often unconsciously. Erin urged us to bring the text close to us and to our own experiences, rather than at a safe and reflective arms distance. As we shared ways in which we found ourselves in the silent voices of Genesis 34, our awareness of ourselves and our awareness of other voices grew.

It takes courage to take the road of self-awareness. Some of the discoveries are painful and some are joyful. Vickie Dieth launched our day of discovery and celebration with a playful devotion, filled with dance, affirmation and joy. We discover in our playing and in our praying a deep joy in our similarities and our differences and in being together.

We also celebrated Holly's and Kathy's birthdays today, complete with cake and Happy Birthday in English and Spanish. Tomorrow.....our weekend begins with a trip to the national volcano and the rain forest. Until then...good night.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Susan. The key to all comes through going "within", not in isolation, but in openness first to self, then, through courage and love, to others. "The Kingdom of God is within you (or in your midst)." What a wonderful, joyful, painful, exciting adventure!
