Sunday, January 16, 2011

Amazing Grace - Amazing Day!

Yahoo! Everyone is well again! We were especially excited to have Erin return to the land of the living today.

We began our Sunday by worshipping with a Spanish-speaking Pentecostal congregation in Tres Rios. After the service we were treated to a beautiful spread of fresh fruit, pastries, and hot coffee as we conversed with the associate pastor (through Daniel's translation) about his ministry and his congregation. This evening we ventured back into town for informal worship and Bible study at the Latin American Biblical Institute. Singing Spanish hymns, including Amazing Grace, was a

The two worship services were our official learning experiences for the day. However, Holly and I embarked on an afternoon adventure that we
will remember for a long time to come. We were invited into the home of Donald, our bus driver, and his wife, Gabriella, who live just across the street from the retreat center. Donald and Gabriella welcomed us with a tour of the house they are building together that has the most amazing view of the valley. They then took us out back to visit the neighbors' chickens and cows, including a very frisky, young calf.

Finally, Gabriella taught us how to make "real" tortillas. Sharing the
warm tortillas and hot coffee at their kitchen table was truly a sacramental event. Our cohort's time in Costa Rica is growing short, yet our deep affection for this beautiful country and her people is expanding way beyond what we dreamed possible.

Buenos Noches,

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible experience! What great pics! I want to see the one where Susan hugs the cow! THIS is the true meaning of communion. You guys are awesome.
